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Deltabit.WinForms Namespace

The Deltabit.WinForms namespace for Windows Forms applications produced by Deltabit Pty(Ltd).
Public classAnnotation
An annotation is used for showing information about a hotspot. The annotation is displayed as static text on the hotspot when the annotation is set to visible.
Public classAnnotationData
Converts an Annotation into a simple format that can be serialized.
Public classAutoHotPopup
The AutoHotpopup appears when the mouse pointer is moved over a hotspot. These properties apply to all Hotspots in the HotImage. The Text and or the Description of the Hotspot is inserted into the AutoHotPopup when the mouse moves over the hotspot. This behavior is dependent on which of the AutoHotPopup.AutoHotPopupOptions is set. Alternatively if the AutoHotPopupOptions is set to "Menu" then a menu is displayed when the mouse is over the hotspot. In this case the Text property becomes the header of the menu. The menu can be setup in the IDE at design time.
Public classAutoHotPopupMenuBubbleEventArgs
AutoHotPopupMenuBubbleEventArgs are passed from a HotImage which is a child Hotimage back to the top most parent HotImage when the popup menu is clicked. The PopupMenuItem clicked, it's Hotspot and the originating child DisplayForm are passed in the event arguments.
Public classAutoHotPopupMenuEventArgs
AutoHotPopupMenuEventArgs passed from a HotImage popup menu is clicked. The PopupMenuItem clicked, it's Hotspot and the MouseEventArgs are passed in the event arguments.
Public classBrushData
Converts a brush into a simple format that can be serialized.
Public classChildHotimageForm
Form used to display the child HotImages in the hierarchy.
Public classColorData
Converts a color into a format that can be serialized.
Public classEllipse
Ellipse class implements the IShape interface and is used to create an elliptical hotspot.
Public classFontData
Used to convert a font into a basic data representation for serialization.
Public classHotBubbleEventArgs
Event arguments that are passed to bubble events. Bubble events are passed form a child to the top most originating HotImage in the hierarchy.
Public classHotImage
HotImage is a Windows User Control which was designed to enable easy hotspot generation on you existing images. HotImage is a powerful tool for the programmer and, by gaining access to its API it enables one to develop even more elaborate, multi-functional interfaces and programs. It is possible to generate a hotspots on an image from within Visual Studio in any programming language supported by Visual Studio. Create Hotspots on HotImage in seconds using the Hotspot Designer . Multiple hotspots can be generated with detailed symmetrical (rectangles and ellipses) or non-symmetrical (polygonal) polymorphic areas on any of your images. Once hotspots have been created, Hotimage can be moved and resized (at runtime or design time) and the hotspots still retain their proportions and functionality. The hotspot text, description, or both can be displayed when the mouse moves over the hotspot at runtime. Alternatively a menu can be displayed when the mouse is moved over a hotspot. This results in a very neat and uncluttered presentation area, while still retaining the ability to convey the text describing the image with the AutoHotPopup feature. You will be able to convey a world of information in a clear and appealing way. HotImage lets you effortlessly add a state-of-the-art user interface to your existing and future projects. HotImage also allows the programmer to create a multilevel image hierarchy. This allows a user to click on a hotspot and zoom into the next level of information in the form of a new HotImage describing the parent hotspot. HotImage supports events, for example clicking on a hotspot triggers an event passing the hotspot object as a parameter.
Public classHotImageCodeSerializer
HotImage Code Serializer attribute class.
Public classHotspot
The Hotspot object class refers to each Hotspot that is created from the Hotspot Designer at design time. Each Hotspot is a member of a Hotspots collection which is a property of HotImage.
Public classHotspotData
Converts a hotspot into a format that can be serialized.
Public classHotspotEventArgs
Provides event arguments that are passed to an event when a hotspot event is raised from a HotImage.
Public classHotspots
Provides a collection of hotspots.
Public classMemoryBitmaps
This class stores the memory bitmaps used for drawing onto the visible image of the Hotimage.
Public classMenuItemCollectionEditor
Allows a collection of PopupMenuItems used to populate the menu that is displayed when a Hotspot has the focus to be edited in the Visual Studio IDE.
Public classMultiLevelConnectingLine
The MultiLevelConnectingLine appears when a child Hotimage for a hotsot is displayed and points from the child Hotimage to the center of the hotspot that owns the child.This property applies to all Hotspots in the HotImage.
Public classPenData
Converts a pen into a format that can be serialized. Currently only supports pen width, DashStyle and pen color.
Public classPolygon
A polygon shape used for creating a polygonal hotspot.
Public classPopupMenu
Popup menu that appears automatically when the cursor is moved over a Hotspot. This only occurs when the AutoHotPopupOptions is set to "Menu". The same popup-menu is used for all the Hotspots. The Hotspot.Text property is used as the Header for the Menu.
Public classPopupMenuItem
The PopupMenuItem is used to populate each line of the PopupMenu which is displayed when the Hotspot has the focus and the Hotimage.AutohotPopup.AutoHopopupOptions is set to "Menu" The PopupMenuItems is a collection of type PopupMenuItem
Public classPopupMenuItems
Collection of type PopupMenuItem. Used as the items property in the PopupMenu.
Public classRectangle
Rectangle implements the IShape interface and is used to create a rectangular hotspot.
Public interfaceIShape
The interface that is implemented by the shape of the Hotspot. These include (Deltabit.WinForms.Rectangle, Deltabit.WinForms.Ellipse and Deltabit.WinForms.Polygon)
Public delegateHotImageAutoHotPopupMenuBubbleEventHandler
Passes AutoHotPopupMenuBubbleEventArgs from a HotImage which is a child Hotimage back to the top most parent HotImage and raises the event on that HotImage when a hotspot's AutoHotPopupMenu is clicked.
Public delegateHotImageAutoHotPopupMenuEventHandler
Passes AutoHotPopupMenuEventArgs from a HotImage when a hotspot AutoHotPopupMenu is clicked.
Public delegateHotImageChildBubbleLoadEventHandler
Passes EventArgs from a child Hotimage back to the top most parent Hotimage and raises the event on that Hotimage when a child Hotimage has Loaded.
Public delegateHotImageHotBubbleEventHandler
Passes HotBubbleEventArgs from a HotImage which is a child Hotimage back to the top most parent HotImage and raises the event on that HotImage when a user clicks on a hotspot.
Public delegateHotImageHotspotEventHandler
Passes HotspotEventArgs to the event when a user clicks on a hostpot.
Public enumerationAnnotationAlignmentType
This is used to specify how the annotation text is aligned on the hotspot.
Public enumerationAutoHotPopupHotPopupOptions
Options for displaying the AutoHotPopup menu Off - AutoHotLable is turned off. TextOnly - The popup only displays the Text for the Hotspot and follows the cursor over the hotspot. TextAndDescription - The popup displays the Text property as a Header and the Description as the body. The popup follows the cursor over the hotspot. DescriptionOnly - Only displays the Description property in the popup, and not the Text. The popup follows the cursor over the hotspot. Menu - A static Deltabit.WinForms.PopupMenu is displayed over the central point of the hotspot. Popup menu options can be selected by the user to raise an event from the Deltabit.WinForms.PopupMenu.
Public enumerationBrushDataBrushTypeEnum
Specifies which brush is selected in the BrushData.
Public enumerationHotImageSizeModeType
The options for setting the SizeMode.
Public enumerationHotImageTransitionModeOptions
Options for transitioning from one HotImage to another when a hotspot has a child HotImage. WireFrame causes a wire frame transition animation to take place. ZoomImage causes the new HotImage to zoom from a small to a large final size HotImage when clicking on the hotspot. The reverse takes place when a child Hotimage is closed.
Public enumerationHotspotVisibleModeType
Specifies options for the animation taking place when a hotspot changes visibility.