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IShape Interface

The interface that is implemented by the shape of the Hotspot. These include (Deltabit.WinForms.Rectangle, Deltabit.WinForms.Ellipse and Deltabit.WinForms.Polygon)

Namespace:  Deltabit.WinForms
Assembly:  Deltabit.HotImage (in Deltabit.HotImage.dll) Version: (2.1.1)
public interface IShape

The IShape type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBoundingRec
Gets the rectangle that surrounds the boundry of the shape.
Public propertyParentHotspot
Gets or sets the Parent Hotspot that owns the shape.
Public methodClone
Creates a new instance of the shape and copies the data to the new instance.
Public methodCreatePolygon
Converts the shape to a polygon representation of the shape.
Public methodDraw
This method draws the hotspot shape onto the HotImage.
Public methodMidpoint
Computes the midpoint of a shape.
Public methodMove
Moves the shape to a new position.
Public methodPointInShape
Determines if a point falls within the given shape.
Public methodRescale
Rescales and repositions the shape according to the parameters.
Public methodShapeFromString
Converts a string representation of a shape to the shape object.
Public methodShapeToString
Converts the current shape to a string representation of the shape.
See Also